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     Raipur, November 16, 2008: Main opposition Congress was facing acute shortage of money for campaigning for Chhattisgarh assembly poll and also not seeing return of investment party leaders are not coming forward.

     The situation is so bad that payments of media have not been cleared and the state leadership is waiting for the arrival of AICC Treasurer Motilal Vora to resolve the issue.

     Although Paras Chopra has been made the new state PCC Cashier but he had not yet been handed over charges, party sources said but no one has the answer why he had been kept away from the charges.

     When ever some one is coming for payment both the state General Secretaries Rajendra Tiwari and Subhash Sharma are sending the party to the other person.

     The situation is also worse as PCC President Dhanendra Sahu and Executive President Satya Narayan Sharma are contesting the poll where as another Executive President Charan Das Mahant is hardly taking interest in financial affairs, the sources said.

     In such a condition party leaders are seen asking questions how the Congress will form government in Chhattisgarh?

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