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     Raipur, March 07, 2014:The election expenses ceiling for candidates has been revised, the Election Commission sources said today.

      The Government of India has revised the election expenses ceiling for candidates  vide Notification dated February 28, 2014, the officials said.

      As per the revised ceilings, the maximum limit of election expenses for a Lok Sabha

Constituency is Rs.70.00 lakh per candidate for all States except Arunachal

Pradesh, Goa and Sikkim.

     For the three states Arunachal Pradesh, Goa and Sikkim it is Rs.54.00 lakh per candidate.

     For the Union Territories, the maximum limit is Rs.70 lakh per candidate for NCT of Delhi and Rs.54.00 lakh per candidate for other Union Territories, the officials added.

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