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     Raipur, November 20, 2015: Chhattisgarh government today declared a special rehabilitation package for Maoists to attract them to lay arms and provide relief to the violence affected families.

       With the approval of the Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh, state Home Department issued the Special rehabilitation package.

     Headed by the Collectors, committee would be constituted at the district level with members nominated by the DMs, to look into the application of the Maoists, their families or people affected by violence to provide them relief.

     Now members from the Central para military forces have also been included as members in committees of the districts where they are in operation.

    However, the state committee would be headed by the Additional Chief Secretary or principal Secretary Home and people nominated by him would be members.

     Government said they have incorporated all the points of the previous rehabilitation package, which would give boost to the new policy.

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