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        Raipur, September 16, 2008: Spiritual Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar today appealed to the Maoists to leave violence for the better development of the state.

        Best part of India was its policy of non-violence hence he was appealing to the Maoists to give non-violence a chance, the spiritual guru told reporters here.

        Through non violence only development can be achieved hence the Maoists should give peace a chance, he said.

        During the on going tour of the Nepal Prime Minister Pushp Kamal Dahal, who is more known as Maoist leader Prachand, he said he had a meeting with him yesterday.

       Replying to a question, the spiritual guru said he was ready to talk to the Maoists on behalf of the state to bring peace here.

       However, on the matter of terrorism, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has a different opinion. He said the country need to have stronger anti-terrorist law and effective coordination between states to combat them.

       On the conversion, he said even Mahatma Gandhi had called it a crime to change religion by lure or by offering money.

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