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     Raipur, April 27, 2011: The PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) is organising a day long interface between the industry and bankers and financial institutes at Raipur tomorrow.

     Top bureaucrats from Finance Department of Chhattisgarh Government to senior bankers and captains of local industries would participate in the interface, being organised at a star hotel here in Raipur, PHDCCI sources said here today.

     The programme would be started with the welcome address by Chairman of PHDCCI Chhattisgarh Committee and a senior management of the Jindal Steel and Power Limited Pradeep Tandon.

     Principal Secretary Finance, Commercial Tax and Planning, Ajay Singh would deliver the inaugural address.

      Deputy General Manager of the State Bank of India Bipin Bharadwaj and Chief Manager of the Punjab National Bank, E Perumal would focus on “Facilitating Finance for Industries in Chhattisgarh”.

     Regional Manager of the CRISIL, Arghya Talukdar of Kolkata would speak on issue of perspectives by Credit Rating, the sources said.

     After an interactive session at the end, Co-Chairman of the PHDCCI Chhattisgarh Committee Jagdish Singh would sum up the session.

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