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     Raipur, August 13, 2009: Amid fear of Swine Flu hovering over Chhattisgarh, one person died today at Raipur where as samples had been collected from about 50 patients to confirm whether they are affected by Swine Flu or not.

     One patient died today at Raipur Medical College Hospital and health officials said he was suspected to have travelled from Pune, because of which his sample had been collected and sent to confirm whether he died of Swine flu or of some other diseases.

     Meanwhile, officials said about 50 samples had been collected from Raipur, Bilaspur and other parts of the state to confirm any Swine Flu cases in Chhattisgarh.

     Although about 50 samples had been collected but not a single case had been confirmed so far, they said.

     After a telephonic discussion with Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad,  Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh said a Central team was coming Chhattisgarh in a couple of days to take stock of the situation.

     The Chief Minister also said the state was totally geared up to meet any eventuality.

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