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     Raipur, February 11, 2010: Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev today termed the Raman Singh government as corrupt and said he would create his own mass cadre in Chhattisgarh if corruption was not checked in the state.

     “How come there was so much corruption, if the state government was an honest one,” asked the Yoga Guru, who is now seen inclined towards politics.

     It was welcomed to have Income Tax and Commercial Tax raids on the businessmen, but why there was no raid on the companies, having a turnover of Rs 50000 crore or the politicians?, he asked.

     He also said the Centre should immediately withdraw Rs 100, 500 and Rs 1000 denomination of currency notes as big notes was helping in increasing the volume of black money.

     When Britishers left the country, about ten per cent of the population were under the below poverty line and after 60 years of self rule the figure has gone up to 70 per cent, Baba Ramdev said questioning the basic economic policy of the country.

     He said corruption was a major issue confronting the nation and that needed to be addressed as early as possible and said if in two years time the governments failed to check corruption he could come out with his own cadre to deal with the situation.

     There is a move to have at least one free Yoga school in each village and in two years time each district would have a member of five to 10 lakhs under the banner of his organization Bharat Swabhiman, Baba said.

     And if corruption would not be checked in two years time, the Organisation would make a gathering of five lakh people in each districts to tell people, who should be there Member of Parliament, the Yoga Guru said.

    To a question, he however, denied having any ambition of becoming head of government and said he might play the role of a king maker but certainly not a king.

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