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     Raipur, August 07, 2010: Amid growing dissidence within the ruling BJP, its top leaders today warned its cadre not to go to media revealing the internal affairs of the party.

     BJP National General Secretary in charge of Chhattisgarh Jagat Prakash Nadda today warned the party leaders not to go to media with their grievances.

     There is a party platform and strong action would be taken against those party leaders who prefer to go to media with their grievances instead of the party platform, Nadda warned.

     No such action would be tolerated, the central BJP leader told his first press conference after taking over charges as the state in charge.

     When his attention was drawn to couple of statements of some of the elected party leaders expressing unhappiness over the functioning of the party or government, Nadda said there was a better coordination among the party and the government.

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