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     Raipur, November 1, 2009: Chhattisgarh today completed nine years, during which it had seen many an up and down.

     Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh congratulated the 2.1 crore people of the state on the occasion and said his government wanted the cooperation of the people to combat naxal violence and bring peace in the state.

     Governor ESL Narasimhan has also congratulated the people on the foundation day.

     On November 1, 2000 this ninth largest state was created, carving out from Madhya Pradesh along with Jharkhand from Bihar and Uttarakhand from Uttar Pradesh.

     Chhattisgarh came into existence because of the criminal negligence by the successive Madhya Pradesh governments, but a lot of things are to be done here even today in the forest rich tribal dominated state.

     Over the last nine years development has reached various nooks and corners of the state but at the same time violence by the Maoists have increased many folds.

     Chhattisgarh may not compete with Punjab on agriculture production but it was trying to outsmart Punjab and many other states on liquor consumption, which is never a good sign for such a young state.

     On combating corruption or providing good governance more things have to be done.

      But over the year people have realised that the division of Madhya Pradesh was never a wrong decision by the Atal Behari Vajpayee Government at New Delhi.

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