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     Raipur, November 21, 2012: BJP today accused the Congress party of adopting soft attitude towards terrorists.

     “Congress is always soft on terrorists,” BJP National General Secretary Jagat Prakash Nadda told reporters here.

     Nadda was reacting to a question on the early morning hanging of Ajmal Amir Kasab, who was captured alive while attacking Mumbai on November 26, 2008 along with ten other Pakistani terrorists.

     Stating that the decision to hang Kasab was taken under pressure from BJP, Nadda also demanded hanging of Afzal Guru for attacking Parliament without any delay.

     The BJP leader also accused the Congress of promoting corruption.

     Congress survived on the politics of corruption. When corruption is exposed, constitutional authorities are attacked by the Congress party, he claimed.

     Accusing the ruling party of adopting betrayal attitude, Nadda said Congress even back stabbed its UPA partners on the issue of foreign direct investment.

     Inflation in the country was rising due to corruption, he said and called on the people to over throw the Congress party from government.

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