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     Raipur, December 31, 2011: Chhattisgarh Police have arrested two persons in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh for allegedly sacrificing a 7-year old girl child superstitiously believing that would give better harvest, Police said today.

      Police has arrested two tribals for allegedly sacrificing a school going seven year old girl in the district headquarters, Bijapur District Superintendent of Police Rajendra Narayan Das told ChhattisgarhTopNews.Com by phone today.

     “A seven-year old girl was sacrificed by the two persons superstitiously believing that the act would give a better harvest,” Das said.

     The incident has been reported in tribal dominated Maoist violence-hit Bijapur district, about 525 Km south of Raipur.

     In fact,  Lalita, a seven year old daughter of Budhram Tati, went missing in a suspicious condition and subsequently her body was found on October 21, in the Bijapur District headquarters, with a couple of her internal organs missing, Station House Officer Bijapur Rakesh Kumar Bhoi said from Bijapur.

     During investigation police was informed that the infant was allegedly sacrificed by two persons Ignes Kujur and Padam Sukku, who were subsequently apprehended on Wednesday last, Bhoi said.

     During investigation the accused have confessed having killed the child and offered her liver to the goddess for a better harvest, Bhoi said.

     One of the arrested person was a neighbour of the victim where as one belonged to a nearby village, the police officer said.

     Two alleged child sacrifice cases were reported in Durg district in November last year.

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