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     Raipur, September 19, 2016: Chhattisgarh government today posted V B Umadevi as the Additional PCCF in forest Department after a stint in Delhi for nearly five years as Resident Commissioner at New Delhi.

     Umadevi has been posted in Forest Department as APCCF, a GAD ordered said.

     On October 05, 2011 Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh had cleared her posting as the Resident Commissioner at New Delhi.

     Director SCERT Raipur Sanjay Ojha has been posted in place of Umadevi as the Resident Commissioner at New Delhi.

     Ojha is also an IFS officer like Umadevi.

     Secretary Chhattisgarh Secondary Education Board Sudhir Agrawal, another IFS, has been given the additional charge of Director SCERT, the order said.

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