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     Raipur, November 23, 2022: Jindal Steel & Power (JSP) has won 5 Gold medals in the International Convention on Quality Control Circles -2022 in Indonesian capital Jakarta.

       During the international event from November 15 to 18 last, five Kaizen (Change for Good) teams of JSP, four from Angul steel plant & one from Tensa mines, comprising 14 engineers, participated in the tournament to claim the highest category awards in their respective fields, a company statement said today.
        ICQCC is the highest recognition forum globally in the field of Quality Circle and Allied concepts.

     This year 757 participants from 14 countries took part to show-up their unique skills. 
     A Japanese methodology, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), was being practiced across all the plants of the JSP and employees are consistently engaged in this improvement process by applying the concepts of TPM, the company said.
      Besides this, Bhuwan Pratap, AVP & Head, Central TPM, TQM, and Energy management of the Company has also evaluated case studies presented by industries from across the world, except JSP-Group Company in ICQCC-22.

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