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     Raipur, November 22, 2022: BJP Chhattisgarh In-Charge Om Mathur today interacted with the party leaders before drafting a strategy for the next year assembly election and asked the party leaders to raise issues relating to the local Congress MLAs.

     Along with the government, the performance of the local Congress MLAs are also dismal and that need to the raised aloud, Mathur told BJP state leaders.

     Giving mantras of success, the veteran BJP leader asked the party leaders and cadre to be vocal and aggressive.

     If party leaders would become aggressive and vocal, no one can stop the BJP from coming to power in Chhattisgarh, he said.

     Chhattisgarh is never a challenge for BJP, Mathur said adding BJP would fight the next assembly election aggressively and not in a defensive way.

     BJP General Secretary Shiv Prakash asked the party leaders to draft a year-long programme and work sincerely to achieve that goal.

     Regional Organisational Secretary Ajay Jamwal said the party organisation up to mandal level is active, but the state unit need to strengthen the network between mandal and booth level to achieve success.

     Several top party leaders also asked the cadre to check whether actual beneficiaries have been getting the benefits of the Central and state programmes or not.

      The state BJP would also hold a massive rally in the state as the Congress government has failed to provide houses under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana to its deserving people, said BJP State President Arun Sao.

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