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     Raipur, November 11, 2022: Ruling Congress and main opposition BJP were today locked in a political fight over the issue of 32 per cent reservation to tribals in job and education in Chhattisgarh.

      “By opposing the Special session of Chhattisgarh Assembly, BJP has clearly demonstrated its anti-tribal reservation stand,” Chhattisgarh PCC said in a statement.

     The special session, convened on December 1 and 2 for reservation to tribals, would expose the stand of BJP, that is why they are opposing the session, Congress Spokesman Dhananjay Singh Thakur said.

     The discussion in the floor would expose the BJP, how it had failed to submit relevant documents, including Nankiram Kanwar Committee report, in the High Court, Thakur said.

     In fact, BJP never wanted that the Tribals should get 32 per cent reservation, so the saffron party did not submit all the relevant documents during hearing of the case, he alleged.

     Earlier, Leader of Opposition Narayan Chandel of BJP had demands an ordinance to give 32 per cent reservation to Tribals alleging, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel wanted to run away from discussion on these issues, because of which it had convened a small 2-day session, whereas BJP demands a 10 days session.

    The BJP has a clear opinion that the tribals had 32 per cent reservation and that should continue, Chandel said. 

     “To restore the 32 per cent reservation to the tribals, the Congress government should immediately bring an ordinance,” the senior BJP leader said.

     The Special session has been convened on December one and two on the issue of cut in reservation quota for tribals from 32 per cent to 20 per cent after a court order.

     Welcoming the decision of the Baghel government, PCC President Mohan Markam said the action of the state government has proved the commitment of the Congress on the tribal reservation issue.

     Because of the laxity of the previous BJP government, led by Dr Raman Singh, tribals are facing a cut in the reservation quota, Markam said adding his Congress government is committed to restore the 32 per cent reservation for the tribals.

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