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     Korba, October 11, 2011: Korba District Collector RSP Tyagi has asked the controversial Prakash Industry Limited not to ply its vehicles on Katghora-Poudi road saying the overloading trucks of the industry were badly damaging the road.

     “Because of the overloaded coal-laden vehicles the Katghora-Poudi-Chotia road has been badly damaged,” Tyagi told a review meeting here today.

     Despite several reminders, since the Prakash Industries was not listening to the administration, the Collector had also directed all the vehicles of the controversial industry to stay away from that road.

     Tyagi said they had asked the Prakash Industry to stop plying over-loaded trucks on that road and also take steps to repair the road. But the industry refused to listen to the district administration, because of which he had asked the company to stop plying vehicles on that road, an official release said here.

     The District Collector had also asked the Katghora Sub Divisional Magistrate and the District Police administration to take effective steps to stop Prakash Industry from plying its vehicle on that road.

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