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      Raipur, September 29, 2008: President Pratibha Patil today paid rich tributes to the four CRPF personnel, including Assistant Commandant Dibakar Mohapatra, who were killed in a powerful blast carried out by the Maoists earlier in the day in Bastar district.

     The CRPF personnel have sacrificed their lives for the country, said the President while addressing the Golden Jubilee function of the Dudhadhari Bajrang Government Women’s College at Raipur.

     She said non-violence is the only way to check terrorism as violence leads to no where. It only gives destruction and pain, Patil added.

      To find a solution to any problem talk and discussion were the main ways, the President said.

      Stating that half of the population of the country was women, she said by making them weak, nothing can be achieved. Hence women should be given priority in national development.

     She also praised the Dudhadhari Bajrang Government Women’s College and added it started functioning in the year 1958 with only 16 students.

     Governor E S L Narasimhan and Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh also addressed the function.

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