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     Raipur, August 21, 2009: In an embarrassing situation for the Union Minister V Narayan Samy, AICC General Secretary Rahul Gandhi today asked him to vacate the seat for a much junior leader of the party.

     During a scheduled Press Conference at the Hotel Babylone, the party In-charge of the state, Samy, was early to occupy the seat and seeing that Gandhi asked him to vacate the seat, he was occupying.

     Samy was trying to seat close to his leader but Gandhi preferred Minakshi Natarajan, a fresh party MP from Madhya Pradesh, to seat next to him. When he saw Samy occupying the chair next to his, in the presence of the entire media, Gandhi loudly asked the Union Minister to vacate the seat for a much junior leader.

     Later on taking to media, Gandhi said including BJP and Left, no one can defeat the Congress. It was the party leaders who were responsible for the ups and downs of the party fortune, he added.

     Congress had lost elections whenever the party leaders deviated from its ideology, the ideology of working for the poors, the AICC leader said adding the poor people never had any identity in the country and his Government at the Centre was working hard to change those phenomena.

     Replying to a question he said to cut the money power in the party organizational elections several steps had been taken in NSUI and Youth Congress and he wanted to build up the organization from Block, District, State and subsequently at the national level.

     Gandhi also said Congress would win the next election from Chhattisgarh.

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