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     Raipur, May 10, 2010: Defeated MLA candidate Ram Sewak Painkra was today unanimously elected as the next state President of the Chhattisgarh BJP.

     Central observer and Orissa BJP President Juel Oram declared the name of Painkra in a function at Ekatma Parishar, the state headquarters of BJP at Raipur.

     In that function BJP National General Secretary Dharmendra Pradhan and Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh and other leaders were present in that function.

     Interestingly out of 21 organisational districts, officer bearers of 16 such districts had unanimously decided to elect Painkra as the next President as in the rest of the units election had not been completed, party officials said.

     A total of 92 office bearers and 15 district presidents had participated in that election, BJP leaders said.

     Painkra addressing the function said in 1982 he got two offers, to become teacher or Panchayat member and he preferred the option of service to people on advice of the famous BJP leader Larang Sai.

     Painkra has a long public life and the party would be benefitted from his experience, said Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh.

     Singh also praised the outgoing President Vishnu Dev Sai for his leadership.

     Painkra would provide a stronger leadership to the state unit, BJP National General Secretary Dharmendra Pradhan said.

     Chhattisgarh has also set a different example before the country after electing its president unanimously, Pradhan said adding the election reflected the attitude of collective leadership, coordination and harmony within the party.

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