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     Raipur, November 01, 2011: Chhattisgarh Governor Shekhar Dutt today inaugurated a grand function here to celebrate the eleventh State Foundation day and greeted the 2.55 crore people on this occasion.

     A new chapter of development has been added with the creation of Chhattisgarh as the state has registered growth and development in all sections, Governor Dutt told the Rajyotshav function, presided over by the Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh at the Science College Ground here this evening.

      Social harmony and brotherhood are the rich treasure of the state and the statehood has brought in prosperity and development among the people, he said.

     Dutt said Maoist problem was the biggest obstacle to the peace and development of the state and hoped with the help and cooperation of the people, the state would able to root out the protracted violence.

     Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh greeting the people said the GDP of the state has been 11.49, which was highest among all the states.

     At the time of formation of Chhattisgarh in 2000, the per capita income was Rs 10,000 which has now touched Rs 42,000 and the per capita power consumption was 850 units, which has now touched 1547 units, he said.

     Stating that Chhattisgarh was the only state in the country which has purchased every grain of the farmers, Singh said all preparations are completed to start paddy procurement this year.

     Assembly Speaker Dharam Lal Kaushik, PWD and Culture Minister Brij Mohan Agrawal also addressed the gathering.

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