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     Raipur, November 30, 2012: Chhattisgarh Congress has promised to make paddy Rs 2000 per quintal if it comes to power in 2013 assembly election.

     Farmers in Chhattisgarh are subjected to betrayal and exploitation, Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee President Nand Kumar Patel told a party meeting of the workers of Gunderdehi segment yesterday.

     The Raman Government has not fulfilled the election promise of bonus to the farmers, he said.

     Looking into the cost of production and the condition of the farmers, paddy should be made Rs 2000 per quintal, Patel said.

     “If Congress comes to power in Chhattisgarh paddy will be made Rs 2000 per quintal,” he said.

     The Rs 2000 matter would also be included in the election manifesto, Patel said.

     Leader of Opposition Ravindra Choubey also alleged that the state BJP government was diverting the irrigation water to industries in the state.

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