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     Raipur, April 18, 2011: Prominent human right activist Dr Binayak Sen was today freed from the high security Raipur Central Jail of Chhattisgarh, three days after the Supreme Court granted him bail.

     Immediately coming out from the prison gate at the late evening, emotional Sen hugged both his daughters and his 80-years old mother amid slogan shouting by his followers.

     “I am feeling relaxed,” he said.

     Sen was arrested in 2007 on charges of waging war against India in Chhattisgarh. He received a life sentence on December 24 under the charges of sedition by a sessions court of Raipur.

     Earlier on the day the trial court asked Sen to surrender his passport and not to leave the country without the permission of the court.

     The court also put the condition of a surety of Rs 50,000 for releasing him on bail as per the direction of the Supreme Court of India.

     Granting bail, the Supreme Court on April 15 last said “we are not giving any reasons for our order. We however, direct that the sentence on the petitioner be suspended and he be released on bail to the satisfaction of the trial court.”

     As per the direction of the Supreme Court, Mahendra Dubey, advocate for Sen, moved a petition at the Sessions Court here at Raipur for the release of the civil liberty activist and on direction of the local court his wife Dr Ilina Sen stood guarantee.

     A gathering of supporters from various walks of life greeted the activist with slogans and pla cards saying “all Binayak Sens be released from Indian jails”.     

     During his trial, prosecutors argued that Sen was involved in helping Maoist guerrillas create an urban network and had acted as a go-between for a leftwing leader and a businessman.

     Sen has insisted he is innocent.

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