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     Raipur, November 22, 2022: Despite instructions from the highest authority illegal sand mining and transportation have been continued in many places, including Raipur, Korea and other districts.

     Authorities have, although seized several vehicles, engaged in illegal sand mining and transportation, but the officials have failed to check the illegal activities completely.

     Taking a serious note of the matter, Raipur District Collector Dr Sarveshwar Narendra Bhure today asked officials to stop completely the illegal sand mining activities in the district.

     Mining and Revenue officials have been asked to check illegal sand mining in those places, whose mining leases are over.

     The district officials have also been asked to check illegal transportation of sand, muroom, stone chips and other miner minerals.

      Vehicles engaged in illegal transportation be immediately seized and handed over to police, District Magistrate Dr Bhure said.

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