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     Raipur, February 27, 2009: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh has made the Oscar winner Slumdog Millionaire tax free in the state.

      The film on slum dwellers has been made free from entertainment tax up to February 23, 2010, ordered the Chief Minister, who also holds the Finance portfolio.

     On one part the film portrayed the sorrow and struggle of slum dwellers to create sensitivity of the society towards them and on the hand it had attempted to create hope and confidence among those people through the movie, the Chief Minister had also said commenting on the raining of Oscar awards on Slumdog Millionaire

      The Oscar awards to such a movie have indeed increased the reputation and respect of Indian film industry and the country, he had said.

      The “Slumdog” was the big winner in Oscar. Besides Best Picture and Best Director, the film also earned Oscars for Cinematography, Sound Mixing, Film Editing, Original Score and Song.

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