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     Raipur, August 27, 2010: Government of India has given permission to Chhattisgarh to recruit 3000 more Special Police Officers and also increase central assistance to them by Rs 900 per month.

     Principal Secretary Home, N K Aswal said the favourable decision of the Centre would also reduce the burden of expenditure on the Chhattisgarh government as the ratio of expenditure would now be on the basis of 80:20 compared to previous 50:50 share of burden.

     Working on a proposal of Chhattisgarh, the Centre had given permission to increase the number of SPOs to 6500 from the current 3500 as the Centre has agreed to increase the current strength by another 3000 SPOs, Aswal said.

     The Centre has also agreed to not only increase the honorarium by Rs 900 but also decided to pay Rs 2400 as its share against the previous Rs 1500 per month, he said.

     The total payment to each SPO would increase to Rs 3000 as the Centre would give Rs 2400 along with the state government share of Rs 600 per month of the SPOs, he said.

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