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     Raipur, January 23, 2009: With in three weeks Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh had to change its order of transfer on police department and made the Additional Director General Giridhari Nayak as ADG Chhattisgarh Armed Force and Training, while affecting the posting of seven other IPS officers.

     ADG CAF and Finance Ram Niwas is the new ADG Criminal Investigation Department, the Department which was earlier given to Nayak on December 31, last.

     Anand Tiwari is the new Inspector General of Administration where as R K Vij is made IG Finance and Provision.

     Deputy Inspector General Himanshu Gupta is made the DIG Finance and Provision.

     The Home Department also shifted two SPs and made the current Kanker district Superintendent of Police Abhishek Pathak as the Chief of Special Task Force, Baghere in Durg District.

      Similarly Narayanpur SP Ajay Kumar Yadav is shifted to Kanker and in his place Sub Divisional Police Officer Bhanupratappur Amresh Kumar Mishra is made the new SP of Narayanpur.

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