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     Raipur, September 14, 2009: Fearing fixing of tenders in Urban Development Department, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh today directed the Department to go for online tender of all contracts.

     During a review of the Urban Development Department, the Chief Minister asked its Minister Rajesh Munat and Principal Secretary Vivek Dhand to go for on line tender of all contracts above Rs 20 lakh.

     After allegations of fixing and other irregularities the Chief Minister had directed many departments to go for e-procurement in the state.

     Singh also approved a proposal of the Department Minister Munat to make all the urban local bodies on line to keep an eye on their financial health.

     The Chief Minister was not very happy with the situations in the local bodies and asked the Department to work towards improving their conditions and said the Department should also work for long term policy for their systematic growth.

     Officials informed the meeting that about 22 per cent of the populations of the state is living in urban areas or in other term about half a crore people are urban dwellers in the state.

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