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     Raipur, March 01, 2011: Chhattisgarh Assembly Speaker Dharam Lal Kaushik today expressed his strong displeasure over the absence of MLAs during question hour.

     The Speaker expressed his unhappiness as out of 25 questions 13 could only be raised as six of the MLAs were absent from the house, although their questions had been listed in day’s proceeding.

    The presence in the house was thin, although it was the tenth day of the Budget session, Kaushik said adding out of 19 members six were absent today when they had been called to raise their questions.

     Members should know question hour was the most important period of the house and huge amount of money and time were being spent in getting the answers and to compile that, he said adding the absence of the MLAs was proving the things futile.

     The Speaker also directed the Whips of the political parties to ensure the presence of their MLAs during the session.

    Among the MLAs Bodhram Kanwar, Paresh Bagbahara, Ajit Jogi, Bholaram Sahu, Lekhram Sahu and Gurumukh Singh Hora were found absent when their names had been called to ask questions in the house.

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