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     Raipur, November 7, 2009: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh refused to become the next national President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

     “There is no question of joining national or Delhi politics,” Singh last night told reporters here.

     There were reports in a section of media that Singh could become the BJP National President after the tenure of current chief Rajnath Singh is over in a couple of months.

     “I have lot of things to do here in Chhattisgarh. Also there are several plans that needed to be implemented in the state in the next four years,” he said while clearly stating that he was not interested to leave the province.

     Singh has a pro-poor image as he had introduced the free salt and sack full of rice for less than a dollar (Rupee one and two per kg rice) programme to about 18 million poor people of the state, which was subsequently copied by the ruling Congress during the last Lok Sabha election.

     “Why you people wanted me to leave the state,” the Chief Minister jokingly asked the journalists when his attention was drawn to the media reports that he could become the next national President of his party BJP.

     In 2003, Raman Singh was asked to resign from the Union cabinet by his party to lead for unseating the then Congress government in the state election and not only he succeeded in forming the government, but also after five years he was elected for another five years term to rule the mineral rich state.

     People liked the plans and policies of the BJP government in Chhattisgarh and voted once again and now his government was busy fulfilling those promises made during the poll, he said.

     BJP was facing internal squabble and media reports were suggesting that the next President of the party would be from someone currently engaged in state politics.

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